Are you craving a solo trip... but can't get over your fear of flying alone? As a full-time traveler, here are my 3 top tips to beat solo flight fear.

I'm Lou, and I'm a very anxious person! Yet I fly solo all the time without worry. These 3 tips are my secret to beating a fear of flying alone.

1. Have a Comfort Item

Things that make you calm at home will also make you calm in the air.

TV shows, childhood keepsakes and fidgets all count as a comfort items!

2. Choose Comfort Over Cost

Avoid long layovers, and public transfers, even If it costs less.

comfort over cost will make your flight experience much less chaotic and anxiety provoking.

3. Keep rational reminders

Write yourself little reminders and put them in your pockets and phone case

 Flying is very safe!

There are no problems that have no solution, things will work out.

The most beautiful things are often on the other side of fear

For 29 more tips on flying alone & beating travel anxiety: Click Below!
